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Répétitions tous les jeudis de 17h45 à 20h00 à la Salle d'accueil de Vernet les Bains - rue des Ascarinettes (arrière de l'Intermarché - face caserne des pompiers)

Adhésion (UK)

Alégria Choir Membership Form

Mrs (maiden name), Miss, Mr :

Family name : ….................................................... First name : …...............................

Date of birth : …............................................

Postal and other coordinates

Address : …........................................................................................... N° : …......

additional address : …..............................................................................................

Postal Code : ….............................. Town : ….........................................................

Landline phone : …...................................... Mobile phone : ….............................

email address(@) : …......................................................................................................

The membership of the Alégria choir implies the acceptance of the Internal Regulations as well as the statutes published in the Official Journal of 24 April 1980.
As well as receiving information from the association via email, sms or any other method of dissemination, this in compliance with the GDPR (General Regulation on Data Protection - May 2018)

The person who has completed this form has a right to access, correct and oppose personal data concerning him/her by writing to the DPO (delegate for personal data) via the contact form of the blog of the association.
The data collected by this document will be kept for three years.

I have read and accepted the conditions of membership to the Alégria choir… 

Date : …............................... Signature : …................................................

Head Office : 26 bis Chemin des Escoumeilles à 66820 Vernet-les-Bains

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